
Friday 6 November 2015


Mepe is a community that is situated along the popular Lake Volta where it heads toward Ada through Sogakope.

The festival signify the reunion of the factions that build them up. It offers the people in the diaspora the opportunity to pay sacred homages every year and pacify their gods. They also use the occasion to foster socioeconomic development around the area.

It is marked by the display of the true African regalia and the other prime features of their culture. The music and dance, canoe paddling competition, the grand durbar of dignitaries among other topics made up their program lists. It is attended by not less than 1million folks over the one week period it spans even though natives spend a mean of one month. It enjoys recognition from the wider public and is respected for prevailing and promoting our cultural heritage in its original standing.

Grand supports for the Apenortor Za, 2015 could be seen from Guinness, Star, Royal Macito, Sun City among others.

The festival this year, 2015 was spectacular as it has always been upon every successive one. Below are some pictures from the ground. 

Thursday 9 April 2015


Winneba, is the capital town of Effutu Municipal District in the Central Region which lies along the western stretch of the Coastal Plains of Ghana. The Winneba township is populated by over 60,331 people. The name 'Winneba', was derived from 'Windy Bay' as it was refered to in the colonial days. The town is traditionally known as Simpa, and is a popular and historic fishing port in southern Ghana. The terrain is about 90 miles (140 km) east of Cape Coast and about 50km from Accra towards the south-western border. 

The town is currently an educational town with a university and training colleges among pool of first and second cycle schools. This coupled with it's popular traditional festival (The Aboakyere Festival) makes town very popular in the country. The festival comes on every first week in May. 

Below are few pictures taken of the town during the 2015 Aboakyere Festival. 

The pictures are yet to be uploaded......

Saturday 7 March 2015

Mt. Afadja 'To'

The highest mountain in Ghana, reaching an elevation of 885 metres (2,904 ft) is Mt. Afadja located in the village of  Liati Wote near Gbledi, in the Volta Region of Ghana. This geomorphic feature is situated close to the Ghana-Togo border. Mount Afadja should be the name of the mountain since 'To' translates into the Ewe dialect 'mountain' and hence pronounced as 'Afadjato' by the 'locals'. Referring to it as 'Mount Afadjato' is just repetition of 'mountain.' This wowing spot is located in the Agumatsa Ranges which extends through Togo. 
The name 'Afadjato' was derived from the Ewe word Avadzeto, which means "at war with the bush" The name was arrived at from the presence of a particular plant that causes severe skin irritation on the mountainside. Instead of people fighting the dangerous animals that threatens their survival, they were at war with the severely irritant plant. 
Few kilometers (about 5km) from the Afadjato are the Tagbo Falls and Wli Falls, the highest Waterfall in the West African region and are collectively considered tourist attractions. You can break the odds by climbing to the highest point on West African toposheet. 
The feature is at about 90km meters drive from the Capital City of Ghana. Below are few images of Mount Afadja. 


Wli Waterfalls is one of, if not the highest waterfalls in the West African relief zone. It is a popular tourist destination in the country with many visitors admiring the serenity of the feature. The fall have a wide plunge pool with low depths that allows swimming for leisure.

The fall is located about 90km from Accra and is in Wli a community about 20km from Hohoe in the Volta Region of Ghana. The weather is just the right type at any time of the year and such confirms its worth visiting.

Below are few images from this magnificent natural feature.

Friday 27 February 2015

Avakpedome Volcanic Rock

The following pictures are representing a fascinating landform that beats my imaginations as long as the processes behind its formation just like the entire earth, remains a mystery.

This place is located about 2km from Mafi-Adidome, the district capital of the North Tongu now Central Tongu district. Avakpdome people have settled here for quite long time and have reverence for this magnificent art of nature. The rock dome have a standing record of being a protective and safe facility for the ancestors who fought several battles to remain the custodians of the feature. Parts of the rock dome is regarded sacred and people are therefore bared from entering them, most of such places are the interiors of the naturally carved caves.

For some time now, the yearly easter is celebrated here with much organized activities that makes it a safer substitute for the usually overcrowded phenomena witnessed at Kwawu Plateau recent years. You can have a visit anytime and it is free for entry.